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Gridinsoft 评论

  • "Gridinsoft Anti-Malware 是抵御各种当代威胁的强大屏障......"
  • "Gridinsoft Anti-Malware 界面直观易懂且用户友好......"
  • "已成功检测到所有恶意软件。 所有 1392 个危害的移除过程大约需要 12 秒。 这一结果完美地证明了 GridinSoft Anti-Malware 作为病毒扫描程序和清除程序的效率......"


Dec 6, 2023


Nov 23, 2023


Oct 9, 2023


Aug 29, 2023


Jun 30, 2023


May 16, 2023

我已经使用Gridinsoft有7-8年了,也许更久。我记不得确切的日期,但我记得我的计算机被病毒封锁的情况。每个人都建议我删除一切然后重新安装。我没有这么做,我开始寻找一个可以帮助我恢复计算机的防病毒程序。以前我使用过一些安全程序,但要么不够好,对系统负担太大,要么价格太高,或者以上所有。然后我发现了Gridinsoft,一家小而快速发展的安全软件公司。我没有找到任何评论,我认识的人也没有听说过Gridinsoft。我决定打赌价格适合我,我希望它能很好地工作。它不仅仅是好,它是完美的。在不必重新安装的情况下恢复了我的计算机。从那以后,我就再也没有遇到过病毒或类似的问题。这是一款非常非常好的防护程序,速度快,不引人注目,价格非常非常合理。我在最后一次更新时遇到了问题,但支持团队在一个小时内解决了它。 谢谢 最好的祝愿

May 15, 2023

我对这个产品所有的负面评价感到惊讶,是的,试用版本一开始让我有些麻烦,但客户支持帮助我解决了这个问题,是的,他们可能需要一些时间来回应,但这家公司总部在乌克兰,所以你必须理解时差和他们的营业时间,所以你需要有耐心。我为一年的订阅付费,到目前为止我喜欢Gridinsoft Antimalware软件。它运行良好,我完全没有遇到任何问题,除了因为启用Internet Security功能而导致我的浏览器运行缓慢或破坏网站,但除此之外,它发现了我电脑上其他软件没有的多个可疑项目,所以我对此印象深刻。只需要稍微改进一下Internet Security功能,解决一下bug,让我的浏览器在启用时不会运行那么慢。我还与CatchPulse(以前称为SecureAPlus)一起运行Gridinsoft,我的计算机上一点问题都没有。继续保持良好的工作!

Oct 03, 2022

很好的客户支持,既快速又乐于助人,防病毒软件可以找到木马,而其他防病毒软件则不能。我建议 100%

Sep 29, 2022
我有 GridinSoft 三个……

我用GridinSoft 3年了,有Vip客服。所以我从来没有遇到过不能快速解决的问题。而且防恶意软件一直在改进,所以没必要改 . 所以,我给了 5 颗星。

Aug 16, 2022


Jul 22, 2022


Jul 15, 2022
Gridinsoft 反恶意软件支持

每个人都应该使用这个程序。它真的可以监视您的计算机以防止各种威胁。价格非常优惠,尤其是在我们面临的这个时代。技术团队正在等待并且随时愿意帮助您。愿上帝保佑 他们富有。耶利米书 29:11-13 启示录 3:20-23

Apr 09, 2022

购买软件并在购买后 1 分钟获得许可证密钥,并且程序可以正常工作,我已删除我电脑上的特洛伊木马和其他恶意内容,我可以验证此程序可以正常工作,非常感谢来自丹麦的 <3

Apr 06, 2022

我在更新我的折扣订阅时遇到问题,我写了他们的帮助更新。在 2 小时内,我收到了新的优惠券折扣的回复。非常满意我对这个反恶意软件的体验!

Apr 05, 2022

我是另一个杀毒软件的老客户,我开始弹出弹窗,无法摆脱它们。所以我尝试了 Gridinsoft Anti-malware,现在没有弹窗了!

GridinSoft 非常友善和乐于助人

GridinSoft 非常友善和乐于助人......我很高兴他们对我的问题的快速反应。祝你成功!!!

Mar 11, 2022



我的一个电子邮件地址被木马攻击并伪装成一封看似无辜的电子邮件。幸运的是,我的防病毒系统拦截了它并隔离了它,但它并没有说明在此之后我应该做什么。所以我查看了 在网上寻找合适的答案,我在 Gridinsoft 找到了一个。他们为我提供了 6 天的免费许可证来试用他们的系统,我接受了。我在扫描我的系统以寻找更多恶意软件时感到困惑,但 Gridinsoft 支持团队提供了帮助

Feb 17, 2022

高效、快速、不引人注目。与 Windows Defender 配合得非常好。

Feb 15, 2022


Feb 12, 2022

尽管我们有病毒防护,我儿子还是经常感染恶意软件。几年前我终于决定尝试使用 GridinSoft,从那时起,他就再也没有感染过病毒。我印象深刻,我现在有了 它在我们的其他计算机上。我向任何人强烈推荐 Gridinsoft。

Feb 11, 2022
我的评分是 4 分,满分 5

我被要求写一篇关于我对 Gridinsoft Anti-malware 的看法的评论。确实,我一整天都没有得到试用密钥。当天晚上,密钥确实来了。 正如支持服务所解释的,许多请求来到Gridinsoft服务器,他们无法处理。其余的产品非常好。我有一个木马矿工,让我的电脑变慢了。现在,清理后,一切都开始工作了 很快。非常感谢你。我目前正在使用免费版。如果有问题,我会告诉你。到目前为止,我的评分是 4 分(满分 5 分)。

Feb 11, 2022
Excellent software

Excellent software. I had an issue that I couldn’t seem to resolve with other similar products. I got a free version for six days. But decided to get the ...

Feb 11, 2022
I have been using Gridinsoft…

I have been using Gridinsoft anti-malware for two years, and I have never had an issue with ransomware or spyware or something else since I started using this tool. Excellent ...

Feb 10, 2022
I have had a long experience with…

I have had a long experience with GridinSoft. They worked with me for over a week to ensure my comp was free of viruses. Everyone I worked with was not ...

Used GridinSoft Anti-Malware on my…

Used GridinSoft Anti-Malware on my computer for many years and never any problems at all. Would highly recommend.

Nov 30, 2021
My first paid antivirus. 3+ years of use expirience

My first paid antivirus. A really working tool - threats are detected and removed (or other actions to choose from), protection of execution and work on the Internet, virus databases ...

Jun 14, 2021
Just want to say thank you for helping…

Just want to say thank you for helping me a couple of months ago. I still use your product and find it irreplaceable.

Perfect tool for its price

Can only say positively about that security tool. Was not sure of its efficiency at first, but it showed up perfectly. Removed a ton of adware from my system, and ...

Jun 6, 2021
Helped to idenify and delete hidden malware.

I had a problem with some strange process running in the background of my son's computer. Obviously, the PC was running very slow and was freezing often. My son asked ...

Mar 9, 2021
Thank you!

My laptop was infected by a Segurazo and I could not get rid of it until I came across Gridinsoft. I am very pleased with the product.

Mar 4, 2021
8/10 to GridinSoft Anti-Malware

Easy-to-use and effective tool. Helped me to remove the trojan, and a pack of different other garbage from my PC. Still have no discontent on GridinSoft Anti-Malware, and hope it ...

Jul 1, 2020
My PC was infected

My PC was infected by a Segurazo malware at some point and I could not get rid of it until I came across Gridinsoft company and its products on the ...

Feb 25, 2020

I tried the give away version Trojan killer and Antimalware Gridinsoft LCC for 6 months very really great software Recommended 👍 👍 👍 😀

Feb 13, 2020
This product is excellent

This product is excellent - caught things Malwarebytes did not.

Feb 03, 2020
I am a huge fan of this great software and incredible support team.

I had trouble updating and I tried unsuccessfully to handle it myself...wound up uninstalling the program, which has protected my system for years. I reached out to support and ...

Jan 29, 2020
The best antivirus ever

The best antivirus ever,love it

Dec 17, 2019

Είναι μακράν το καλύτερο antivirus. Προσφέρουν μια εφ' όρου ζωής άδεια. Είναι πάντα πρόθυμοι να λύσουν οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα παρουσιαστεί και το λύνουν. Υπάρχουν συχνές ενημερώσεις. Είναι εύχρηστο.

Jan 21, 2019
I bought this product and I am waiting…

I bought this package and I did leave negative review, I am now changing this to positive as the issues I had ,have now been resolved ,the activation code arrived ...


Я считаю это очень хорошая программа, также хочу отметить хорошую работу службы техподдержки за оперативность. Возникла проблема с активацией , написал , вопрос быстро решили. Спасибо за помощь!

Dec 9, 2018
good removal of Tionsnewsupdate

I had a malware infection, where unwanted pop-ups of Tionsnewsupdate came, which remained in the right bottom corner of my screen. Malwarebytes did not help. Then I used Gridinsoft and ...

Jun 6, 2018
Free key but vip-support

I won a free key on GOTD. Although the support wasn't included in this giveaway the team i contacted twice (changed my email to a right one, advised me what ...

May 31, 2018

Effective and easy to use program. Anti-Malware found and removed all advertising trash and miner that used 50-70% of the CPU. I recommend!

Feb 16, 2018
Great product, poor customer support

The product is top notch and I would continue with it in a second if they had the customer service to back it up. But when the program wouldn't recognize ...

Jan 20, 2017
Wow, just wow. Really like this program

Well, I was searching for some antivirus what can help me remove some trash adware from my computer. It was really annoying because every time it was ...

Oct 1, 2015
Helped me several times, so does what it supposed to do

As far as I can judge it, the program does what it supposed to do: protect me and clean up whatever needs to be cleaned up.

Over and above the call of duty

After my computer became infested with adware i tried several pieces of software to put things right. Nothing worked at all including Gridinsoft's "Trojan Killer". The folks at Gridinsoft sent ...

Nov 24, 2014
Great thing

I really like the trojan killer, using it for a while and still do. Simple and user friendly website. It's a bit expensive though, so rating 4.

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